JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I left my Canon Camcorder in the overhead locker on flight DL0155 from Manchester, England to JFK on 01/01/09. It has not been handed in to Delta Airlines at Area D terminal 3. I would like the camera back but more importantly the tape cassette inside. Will pay reward.

lost shopping back ( purple color )
containg cosmatics/ 2 books/ scarf etc.
I left it at the cart by accident when I get into a texi.

I will reward if someone help to find it.

Thank you

On Sunday, 1/4/09 between 9am - 10am, my parents passed thru the security check point at terminal 4 of the jfk on a fly to Ecuador, via LanEcuador. At that point he lost his laptop. It was a gift to him from my brother, this was a new sony, laptop,16.4in, color gray.
If you have any information please e-mail to me at amontesamy@aol.com.
or call me at 718 6366907

I left a silver ring in the womens bathroom at JFK on the 6th Jan 2009. The bathroom in the Virgin America check in. Ring has a lot of sentimental value and was gone when I went back into bathroom to check. If you found it please please contact me via email - rachel_doust@hotmail.com. Thankyou

US passport lost January 4th, 2009 in the evening, by baggage claim area bathroom, after last check-in point for customs. Originally in a pink passport billfold but billfold may have been removed. Please email if you have found this passport. Thank you very much.

I was at the emirates counter on the 3rd Jan 2009 with my wife traveling to Dubai. We were carrying a black with brown outline handbag in which I had my Bible, Reading glasses, some cash, muffler and other articles.
Since it was just about time to leave we have not been able to give a complaint at JFK
However if anyone finds this could you please send us an email or call me on +91 9791034625
Thanks for your help

I arrived from panama on 01/05/09 around 1:30 am somehow my son lost his backpack. it was full of toys, two psp and also his glasses. Please if you found them contact me at cf98perez@yahoo.com.

I lost my 3G iphone in early December at the new Jet Blue Terminal somewhere between getting out of the car at walking past security. Please have a heart and contact me if found!!! Will offer a reward! Thanks.

I left my cell phone in my seat pocket today, January 5th, 2008.
My flight was JL006 from TOKYO/NARITA to NEW YORK/JFK and the seat was 49K.
The cell phone is black slide phone and green (jade-colored) pig bracelet is chained on it. If you have it, please let me know at 617-800-4335 or bbb0814@msn.com.
Thank you for all your help in advance.

Jungyeon Bae

I lost my blackhandbag on 4th january 2009 at emirates terminal. my bag contained all my valuables including passport, green cards, drivers license, $600 cash, bangles, ring, chain and iphone. if anybody finds the bag please have mercy and contact me via email.

I left my 3G on the plane from ft lauderdale to nyc yesterday. i left at my seat im guessing. black back, not case

I lost my iphone 3g .. it has a red case...and i lost it in the parking lot i thinkkkkk....if anyone found it please email me at BKYoungen2@hotmail.com... i will give a reward

I travelled on British Airways from London to JFK Terminal 7 on 20-12-08 and left a blue Nike holdall in the waiting area outside arrivals near the candy shop. The bag is for my young daughter and contains her pink PSP,pink towel, hat scarf and gloves among other personal things. We live in London but have relatives in New York who will be able to collect the bag if found. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

How could we contact the Alitalia customer service about luggage lost because nobody answered the phones and not returned calls(1-800-223-5730, 212-903-3575)

I lost my I-20 at JFK. I'm a senior at Westtown School, PA. If someone found the I-20, please let me know.
