JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



On a flight from JFK to Dullas on January 16th you got off the plan before it took off and left your ipad and keyboard in the seat back infront of you. Didnt want to randomly leave it with the airport. call if this is you. 9177514409

My daughter lost a Green Blanket with a frog's head coming out of JFK on the 17th, early morning. Please contact me at svikler@uol.com.br. The blanket is embroidered with her initials.

My younger brother lost his psvita at terminal 8 on January 10, 2014 near that store next to where you have to enter to go to your destination. He has been crying and it it sooo important to us! PLEASE IF YOU HAVE FOUND IT, RETURN IT TO US. CONTACT ME AT 3479719446 OR EMAIL ME AT jailinecarrion@hotmail.com . A BIG REWARD IS WAITING. I

1/11/14@6.30pm lost a black briefcase on the parking of terminal 1 on 1st floor near 107.
Please contact me victoiregirard@gmail.com and will thank you with money!!!!
Thanks a lot!

I lost my brown leather wallet on Jan 8 at Terminal 7, Gate 5. Contents: norwegian currency, cards and pictures of my better half. If found; please email me at tonjolstad@hotmail.com. Reward will be given.

Lost my Sony tablet on Jan 4th, 2014, arount 7:00 PM in a baggage cart at level 1 parking garrage, terminal 4, JFK. The tablet belongs to A1 Limousine in Princeton NJ and can be traced if connected Wi-Fi. The tablet is locked and can not be used. Please return it to Lost and Found Term 4. Thank you

I left a silver ring with a black stone in the ladies toilets at Terminal 5 on Sunday 22nd December. It was somewher between 6-8pm. If you found it, I would really appreciate your contact.
You can email me on aquarian75@gmail.com - thanks,

I lost my infinity scarf (multicolored -- white, gray, blue) around terminal 7 on 1/6/2013 around 8AM... the scarf means a lot to me so if anyone finds it please contact me at 917-362-6671


On January 3, 2014 I was in the American Airlines terminal and I lost my iPhone with a rubber, purple monkey case on the outside of it. I was dining at SOHO Bistro and then was leaving out of gate 45, then my gate changed to gate 33 and then finally gate 35. Please email me if you found my phone or turned it in. Thank you

Did anyone find a a galaxy S3 phone charging at the plugs next to gate 39 in terminal 1 - It was lost on January 1st at about 6pm.
Please if you found it give me a call - 360 477-4093
and my e-mail is deniseramalho@uol.com.br

On January 1, 2014, I lost my passport at the airport Terminal 2(Delta). Its cover is brown and it is a People's Republic of China Passport. My name is Kai Zou on the first page of the passport. There are two places where I probably left my passport: 1. at the Kiosk Machine where I picked up my boarding pass. 2. at the security check place( I might forget the passport in the bin). If anyone see my passport, please reply to me.

I lost I-phone 5-s box in the 7th terminal of JFK. Inside of the box there were headphone and adaptor of iphone. If you find it please contact me. My email is movsumzade@hotmail.com My number is 00994505368010

I lost my Passport at JFK on November 27 of the American Airlines flight at terminal 8 if someone find my Passport please call my cell 914 563 7214. Thank you.

I lost yesterday Small Bag for Camera it's black and inside the bag there's two Camera Canon One Black Semi Proffesional and the other is Digital .
I lost my bag in front of British Airways Desk Terminal 7 3rd or 4th Desk from Left .

Lost a Teddy Bear (caramel color, medium size to small, "Jelly Cat" brand) in an American Airlines aircraft. Not sure what happened to it. If found please give to lost and found.
