JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



hi, I have lost my B.Tech degree certificate and other educational qualification certificates most probably at JFK airport. You will find the name RAJAT BANSAL written on them. If you find them , please call me at 1-860-770-8467. I will be really grateful to you, as these certificates are really very preciuos for me.
Thanks in advance.

Lost Monday Nov 12th in JFK airport, my camera memory card. The pictures are of my 1 year old daughter, they are very sentimental. Please contact me if you found it.

I lost my black sony ericsson phone at the Air France lounge on Sunday 16Th of december.
If found please contact me at alban_ma@hotmail.com

lost an ipod at JFK. has name on it. if found please reply to e-mail address mrrockcrusher@yahoo.com thank you.

Lost a phone at or around JetBlue Terminal on Monday 12/17 a.m.

i travelled from dubi to jfk on the 15th of december by emirates EK201. i have lost a box with my name on a label stuck on it. the tag number is EK 403680. If anyone has it please let me know. I hve my certificates in it. Please contact me at my email or call me at 215 9695155 or my mobile 516 717 5869. thank you

I came from iran to turkey to new york on september 8 2007 and one of my bags were lost and they did not find it until now. it is a dark blue bag and the tag # is 0096 IR 809031. if it is found please send me an email. thank you

I lost my black backpack in which there was a laptop computer and gifts in Terminal 4 between 9:00 and 9:30 pm on December 14 (Friday). There are also medical documents that are really important to me. My computer is registered by my name. If you let me know whether you keep my back, I will appreciate it.

If someone have see a drivers license from Hauppauge NY please contact me immediatly or mail it to the address shown on the license.

The address is:
49 Autumn Dr.
Hauppauge NY

I last saw it bording the plane Jet blue flight 178 coming from Sky harbor Phoenix Arizona on dec 6 2007, arriving NY at 7:25 PM on Dec 6th 2007. I believe it could be in the front seat pocket of seat 3H or the overhang compartment if it fell out of my pocket book.

My phone number where i could be reached is
1-631-864-4470 or email me at the above e-mail address.
PLease contact me for I need to go back to phoenix to see my mother who is in critical care at St Joseph Hospital and cannot fly with out an picture Id.

Thank you, for all your help.

hello, traveling from JFK to miami on wednesday the 12th of december, at the check point a cd pouch was left there. please contact me at if you have this cd case in your position. thanks

My girlfriend lost a pink scarf with a little gold medal(french brand "Et Vous") between the Starbucks store (gate 11) and the gate 7. Thank you so much if you can give me news at arnaudsouchon@hotmail.com

If someone have see a driver licenses from Bridgeport Connecticut CT please contact me immediate.

The address was :
80 Harmony ST
Bridgeport Connecticut

I lost it at the Jet blue Terminal November 29th 2007 around 11:00 pm

My immediate phone number is 1-787-872-5903

or email me at garcia.yaniris@gmail.com



I think I left my cream coat (insde is gray fleece) at the security checkpoint at JFK terminal 4 on my way to San Juan on Jet Blue on December 6, 2007 (around 9 am). If you have any information, please email me at isaacg605@aol.com. Thank you so much!

I've trying your number and so far left four messages, one every day with no luck. On my way back to NYC, flight AA618 (SDQ) seat 8F I lost my pillow neck (cost $100 I have the receipt). Please call me back at 212-203-9592 with info if any,or email at the address above.
Thank you

Hilda Rincon

Lost Sansa E260 MP3 player in soft black case the morning of December 2, 2007 in the vicinity of the security check point opposite Gate Number 7 Jet Blue Terminal 4.
