JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



Lost my Canadian passeport on the plane on my way to JFK from Montréal on flight 4983 departure time 13:40. Please contact me if found. E-mail me or call me at 1-450-473-4326. Thank you

Hi, I lost my panasonic Lumix digital camera on saturday the 18th. This camera, mainly the pictures on it, are extremely important to me, and if anyone happens to have seen it or knows anything about it please get back to me. At this point, I dont even care about the camera itself, but I really would like to get my memory card back. The pictures are priceless to me. Thank you.

Hi My name is Nichell Martinez and I lost my Luggage have to get it back has all my close in it. Thank You!

Hello, I dropped or lost my Romanian passport yesterday 08/17/07 at Terminal 3 @ JFK. It has a cut corner. Please e-mail me should you find it. Thank you.

I lost a small balck handbage on August 11 - some home dicore including

Lost Sony camera in a BLUE case.

hey people, I'VE LOST MY blue samsung camera PHONE at the airport in one of the women's bathroom on terminal 4, first floor, around 9:00pm today august 13, if you find it, PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL. thank you!

I left my Canon Silver camera in a black case on the 12:10pm flight 415 from Bermuda to JFK today August 11. There are many pictures on the camera that mean a lot to me. If found, please e-mail me at jsabanos@providence.edu
Thank you

I traveled on Air China yesterday 8/10, and my black suitcase was missing when I arrived at JFK. I looked for it for about an hour, and then reported it to the lost luggage office. If anybody has seen it or maybe picked it up by mistake, please contact me at 203-245-3493. Flight CA981, luggage tag # CA899769. Thanks!

Lost Cell Phone Sony W810i black at August 1st 2007 from Zurich ZRH to New York JFK Seat 39C flight American Airlines AA65.
Cell Phone was put into the basket in the rear of the front seat, so on 38C.
Please contact via email.

I flew back on Friday Aug 3rd, 2007 on JetBlue Airlines, Flt #728 from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico and left my cell phone right on the floor below my seat! I was sitting in seat 21A. It is a black razor cell phone with a grey and black trim covering on the phone. Pls call me home if returned....860/223-7978 or call my new cell phone at 860/965-7986.

On Monday, Juy 23, I arrived at JFK early in the morning aboard an El Al flight from Tel Aviv; I was booked on a Delta flight to Pittsburgh (#5501) at 8:30 a.m. We hand carried our luggage from the El Al flight thru Customs to the El Al carousel which was connecting our luggage to the Delta flight. Lo and behold none of our 4 bags arrived in Pittsburgh until later that day---all but ONE: a Vera Bradley black large duffel decorated with pink ribbons. To this day that (which contains all the gifts I purchased in Israel) it has not shown up despite the info being in the Delta computer. I have already filed my claim but would far more prefer having the bag with the gifts than an monetary compensation.

Any suggestions or sightings would be appreciated.

Hi, last night, August 7, I was flying from JFK to Logan Airport in Boston, MA. I placed a solid silver bracelet in the security bin at the TSA Security Checkpoint at Terminal 6, Gate 4. I was flying JetBlue. This is very important to our family and has a lot of sentimental value.
Thank you so much & please reply if you have any idea of its whereabouts or if you know of who I should call.
Thank you for reading & replying.

I'm not sure what success this post will get me since it's obviously been a while since I lost my wallet inside the Terminal 7 departure lounge area at JFK. Unfortunately, I only just stumbled upon this website and so am seeking any information regarding my lost wallet.

The wallet was lost on July 29, 2007 (Sunday) while waiting to board a British Airways flight. From what I remember, I forgot it in the area opposite the McDonald's outlet in Terminal 7 departures.

The wallet is black in color and rather worn.

Just a shot in the dark, but if anybody has/had found this, OR turned it in to the security desk at JFK, could you please get in touch with me?

I did leave a voice-mail at the contact number (718 244 4225)but am yet to hear anything.

Thanks very much in advance to anyone who can offer information in this matter.

E-mail contact: anubhav_k216@yahoo.com

I lost my Sony Vidio camera at the gate 10/gate 12 area when I set it down after boarding just before entering the plane (AF/KLM flight 009) and had to show my boarding pass again to Air France officials. I contacted Air France but they found nothing. Let me know what I can do at JFK to locate this valuable item.
This was a last minute flight change from Newark and I don't remember the Air France terminal number.
Thank You,
Dennis Dougherty (gone util Sept. 1)
