JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I have lost a hoody at gate 44 (its grey with stripes one of them is red). If you find it contact me via email or phone 415-298-2944.
My adress is 1958 35ave San Francisco California USA. Thank you very much.


My son left his NintendoDS in the seat pocket of seat 13B. Flight DL1091 Delta Airlines JFK to SAT on July 11th. It is blue and also has black components. It was not in a case. This was a Santa Claus gift, so he is pretty depressed.
I would really appreciate it if you could contact me if anybody found it.

thank you

On 30th June 2013 i was traveling from New york Jfk to Delhi by Air India 102. I put my mobile on charge at tetminal 4 gate no A4 and since i was do tired because of long journey from Haiti i forget to take my mobile at gate A4 terminal 4 Jfk airport. I tried to call on so many phone no but no body gave me any propet reply. Airindia office at jfk confirmed me that on same date they received one phone at same terminal no 4 but i m unable to reach them. I m coming to jfk airport on 29th July 2013 at terminal 4 and will leave jfk aftet 4 hours to dominican republic do plshelp me how to collect my mobile onthat day. My mobile no at India is 00919199892378 . I shall be very thankful to u .

Lost paintings rolled up in beige paper with clear plastic bag tied up over it. Lost it either on the airtran between terminals when switching flights or in the American Airlines terminal in the baggage claim area.

Lost this on July 14th around 10pm. switching terminals from term 8 american airlines and term 5 Jet Blue

Lost a bag at either duty free or the BA Club lounge on Tuesday evening with three hats and some old headphones.

Lost a drawing from Barcelona all rolled up in a white paper roll.

Dear Lost & Found JFK,
We lost of mini Ipad in flight SQ 25 dated July 7, 2013 which departed from JFK to Singapore and had been delayed in JFK airport to Frankfurt for almost 2 hours.
The ipad is lagging in seat 18D under name Ms Haniqa Antivia Rahardjo, PPS #8091574705, in the magazine place, between magazines with cover of Henri Bendel.
We have tried to contact SQ Lost and Found Singapore, JFK and Frankfurt but still didn't get any respond. Please assist us to find that lost item and we can be reached at phone number listed below or by replying this email.

email: viorita_lusia@yahoo.com
+6221 7191825
+62 813 10 21 8502

Lost brown irish tweed cap seat 40E delta flight 198

How are Officers of Terminal 8. Yesterday I was waiting for my flight at JFK Airport, Terminal 8, Gate 8, for the flight (AA903) to Caracas, Venezuela, which came out at the door 3:50 pm No°8. When they announced the entry into the plane, leave the Mobile (HTC One S, pink-black cover) loading in a plug that was in the first row of chairs in the boarding gate No 10. Upon entering the plane and realizing that I did not have the phone went out to look for him, to no avail. I hope your help to get found. The photos are from our first trip to NY, waiting for your prompt response and good intentions, Andres Bertoni Saturno. Thank you.

I left our large dark grey camera bag on Flight 123 from Shannon Airport to JFK yesterday, July 8th. Contains irreplaceable photos.Please please call 561-319-1787. Reward.

As we arrived at New York JFK from Amsterdam on July the 7th 2013 (flight kl641) we found out a pink suitcase of our daughter, Mette Jeronimus, was missing. Inside the suitcase are clothes and some kid-stuff. We desperately need to have this suitcase back.
Suitcase labelnumber: KL 169549.

Hoping to hear from you soon!
Gr. Michiel Jeronimus

I lost my umbrella black timberland on the evening
Of July 3rd 2013 around 19.30 at terminal 4 JFK.
Anyone see it or know anything about it.

i lost a bag with shoes in them.. it was Caesar Paciotti shoes still in the box that was inside the navy blue Caesar Paciotti bag

I was on flight DL0031 that landed July 6th at 1:30 at JFK. I was sitting in seat 22 A and I left my ipad in the seat pocket! I desperately need it back for work!! Please help me if you find it or lead me to the right person!!!

July 6, 2013. Flight number PK 711. PIA airlines. I was asked to come to the security counter and leave my hand carry bag outside when I came back it was gone. Its a navy blue jansport school bag with a dell laptop, external hard drive, 3 watches (a Calvin Klein and 2 swatch) irreplaceable documents and a medical stethoscope engraved with my name (Dr. Fahad Malik). more the rest of the stuff, I really need my some important documents that have all my medical school certificates. If anybody has has info about it please email me (imttiaz@hotmail.com)
