JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



On 03/08/2009 at 18.35 at "silver collection" (Terminal 4) I bought sunglasses DG - I have receipt Clerc was called Rosa. I took receipt but forget to take sunglasses. Do you have their e-mail??? If anybody has any information, please write me.

I lost my David Yurman watch today when flying from JFK to Logan airport in Boston. I was flying JetBlue flight #1014. The watch looks like this: http://www.davidyurman.com/shoponline/product.aspx?folderId=/women/timepieces/cablewatch&page=1&itemId=Y5140
PLEASE let me know if you find this watch. It means SO much to me and i'm devastated i've lost it. Contact me by email: maggie.winterfeldt@gmail.com if you come across it. I will be SO grateful.

I lost my black hand watch, men´s, Chanel, made from metal. At security control or in entrance lounge Air France for flight AF 011, from New York to Paris (Air France), on Feb 25, 2009. Please contact me at movia@siol.net.


I've lost my book Halo on Sunday March 1, 2009 either at terminal 4 or in Airtrain.

I'm pretty sure I left my license on the plane where I was sitting, I was wearing sweatpants and there is a large possibility it fell out. I was on a jetBlue Flight 33 from service to Rochester to New York on 3/6/09 at 8 pm. I was seated in seat 20A, there is a large possibility it is underneath the seat. If found please mail to the address on the ID, and/or email me at galberto@u.rochester.edu

Was flying United Airlines Fl# AU7256 on Feb 19? 2009 from JFK arriving to Dulles. Had two carry-ons i.e. one rolling bag and a folding garment bag. I was expected to pick them from the aircraft but someone came and said: "its freezing everyone move in and you may pick your bags at the baggage claim area"

I went straight to the claim area, could not find the bags, reported to the baggage office, and two hours later bags were found and brought in via the conveyor. One of the zippers of the rolling bag had lost the lock and a quick survey found contents still neatly packed. I left for the hotel and realised afterward that MY EXTERNAL HARD DISC AND CHARGER TO MY BLACKBERRY WERE MISSING!!!!

The disc contains over 60 GB of info/data that is not backed up anywhere and would appreciate recovering it and am willing to pay a handsome reward otherwise my life is at a halt. Pse help!

Francis Mutiganda
646 945 0280
646 329 6256

I lost my new black sunglasses in a black case ("Fossil" printed on it) from Fossil at JFK gate 10 (delta) on Feb 26, 2009. Would be pleased if someone could contact me at simon@schubbn.de.
Thank you!

I was on Delta flight 88 from Seattle 3/5/09.
I lost my Bose Headphones and Ipod. The headphones and Ipod were in black Bose case.

please call me at 201-370-5120

thank you!

I lost my digital camera Sony Cybershot DSC-W50 silver color in a black box with the face of Mickey Mouse, in the Delta flight DL 150 from San Francisco to New York on February 27. It is possible that I have fallen in the plane or at the JFK airport terminal 3. Contains photos of my family vacations very important to me.
If someone found you can communicate by email to laurapedevil@yahoo.com.ar or cell phone +54911 6221 6846.I will give reward for his return.
Thank you.


I was traveling today on Jet Blue and lost my ipod touch somewhere in transit. I would be very appreciative if, whoever might email me, would contact me and return the ipod. I will offer a cash reward. I would be sincerely grateful for any help and I urge people to do the right thing. It was a Christmas gift from my father and I am very troubled at my clumsiness in losing it. It has a back case and it is 16gb, I believe. I can describe it further if needed.

Thanks very much


I have left my Becker CPA Review CD pack for Auditing in an Orange pack in the BA176 from NYC to LHR on 01/03/09. The CD pack was left on the back seat pocket of seat 31K while being seated on seat 32K. Due to bad weather we were asked to disembark the flight. The equipment should have flown to LHR as BA176 on 02/03/09 at 19.45. If you happen to seen this please e-mail me at JeySubramaniam@aol.com. I am a student and therefore not in a position to reward you financially but will pray for your good heart.

Many thanks,


Woman's American passport lost at terminal 4, Saturday February 28, 2009 at 11:30 a.m. I was not able to depart. I remain home with bags packed hoping for a miracle that passport is found. If anyone has found please contact me, after answering questions to confirm it is mine, you will be rewarded.

I flew from St Paul airport to JFK on 18 Feb, connecting to Washington then to Johannesburg, South Africa. I never got my luggage - clearly marked, black Cellini suitcase with orange & pink elastic strap around it.
Please contact me with any news.
Denise Maarschalk

me and my family dropped off our luggage at the security check-thing, we were at JFK, we were going to Brussels, with a stop at Dublin.

when we arrived in Brussels, we got our bags to find out that someone had opened our bags( wich were locked!!!) , and stole 2 pairs of brand new Ugg boots, that we brought for my sisters, and a brand new pair of Minnetonka boots !

If you cant trust the security, who can you trust then??

Someone snooped trough our personal belongings, when we payed money to have them stored!!! we pay money, and our Bags get opened, and our boots get stolen!!

this is no kind of service !

The baggage of Robert Forstrom was lost as per arrival to Moscow by fight SU-0316 (Departure Friday 27 Feb. - Arrival Saturday 28 Feb.)

Claim # SVOSU59015/28FEB09/1328GMT
Tag # 0555 SU 263724
