JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I lost a cell phone (iphone) at the US Airways check in desk. I recieved a call saying that it was a British Airways. I have tried to call British Airways at JFK but have been unable to get in touch with anyone who can help. If you could be of any assistance with helping me recover the phone, please email me at elliotadler@gmail.com

Attention Lost Property Department: Terminal 7 - JFK AIRPORT, NEW YORK 28/11/2012
I wish to enquire if a Black Nikon Camera S6200, a Apple ipdad Charger and USB cable was handed into lost property on Sunday the 18th November, 2012. I was located at gate 9 and was sitting near a powerpoint outlet and absentmindely left the camera on the seat next to me and left the charger and cable plugged (for my ipad) into the power outlet when my flight QF108 New York to Sydney was called. I have left messages on your answer phone but have not heard back. Can you please email me at the above if these items have been located. I will also try calling again.

Thank you.

R. Drage

Attention Lost Property Department: Terminal 7 - JFK AIRPORT, NEW YORK


I wish to enquire if a Black Nikon Camera S6200, a Apple ipdad Charger and USB cable was handed into lost property on Sunday the 18th November, 2012. I was located at gate 9 and was sitting near a powerpoint outlet and absentmindely left the camera on the seat next to me and left the charger and cable plugged (for my ipad) into the power outlet when my flight QF108 New York to Sydney was called. I have left messages on your answer phone but have not heard back. Can you please email me at the above if these items have been located. I will also try calling again.

Thank you.

R. Drage


I have lost a picture that was rolling on a white paper (as a tub), on 22nd of November, at Gate 8 (American Airlines terminal - flight number 951, 9:45 pm), but that was no identification on this paper.
I would like to know if it was found. I have already leave a message at the phone numbers above, but I haven't received an answer yet.

Please, could you contact me?This picture is really important for me.
My phone number is +55 11 98181 7975

Thanks a lot,

I lost my iphone at Gate 3 last night, november 25th at 9.45pm. I would really appreciate if someone would help me find it.

Thursday Nov 22 I forgot my glasses on a table in your restaurant just after you closed. About 9PM. In Sammy Hager restaurant in the back of Terminal 7.
I would appriciate if you could find them. PLEASE contact me on joakim.sundsvall@gmail.com so that I know this is the right way to contact you.
Can't find any e-mail to you....
We got a super service from your staff.
Especially a girl/woman in the bar named Jamila (on the reciept)
Best Regards

My 3 year old daughter is devastated. She lost a brand new pink back pack that grandma just gave her. It was left in parking structure terminal 2. Row 113. Inside her back pack is her favorite baby and stuff animal puppy. Please contact me if you find this. Thank you, Petra Borski 310-569-2346

Dears Sirs ;

On Nov,10,2012 - at 09:45 PM I got the flight AA 0951
departing to S.Paulo (Brazil ). During the check-in
made in the Terminal 8 , I forgot my camera ( foto
machine ) in one of the seats this terminal next
to the chek-in desk .
This camera is a compact NIKON - Coolpix L22 , it was
inside your blue color cover .
When I was inside the airplane , I remembered that my
camera wasn´t with me .Immediately I asked the
commissary about and both went to the check-in terminal
8 to search it . None was found , then we went back to
the airplane .
But I would like to know if there´s a possibility my
camera has been found and keept in the storage .
How do I must to proceed ?

Luiz Otavio Cardoso
Curitiba / Pr / Brasil

Please if you found a BLACKBERRY-CURVE in Terminal 8 (American Airlines), with a picture of grapes in the screen-saver, contact me at mfg.llm2011@hotmail.com.
My brother has lost the cell phone in November 15th in a transfer flight.

i need some one to tell me how can i find my luggage it drop from my cart inside where u get our luggage from the belt soo it was on terminal 8 on the rj 261 please need help i called royal jordanian but no answer what my other choice ..

hi, i need your help
i lost my dark blue bag cuz I left it at check-in in a smoking area.
So i took it from a baggage lane and then went smoking and just left it in the area.
I fixed a white plastic bag to the bags handle to make it easier if i need to find it.
I left it in the smoking area of the 5th terminal cuz i had a Jet blue flight from
Orlando to NYC, Jetblue 988
thank you for your help and assistance.
Any information is appreciated.
my cell is 9177830611
thank you

Hello, on 1 november I lost my car key. It's the size of a credit card and from RENAULT brand.

the people at this airport could not care less to help you find something, even when they are the ones responsible for it being misplaced.

I left a black size 10 womans "Millie" Double Breasted Jacket with gold buttons on the back of chair at Gate 24/25 Terminal Five Jet Blue Gate 24/25 at around 2:45 - 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23, 2012. REWARD OFFERED SO PLEASE CONTACT EITHER BY EMAIL OR CELL (703)343-3306. Coat is very sentimental. Thanks

I left a black womens double breasted black Millie peacoat, with gold buttons on back of chair at Gate 24 Terminal Five on Tuesday, October 23rd, at approximately 315 p.m. Offering reward for return...sentimental. A fellow traveler was kind enough to bring to Joanne, Jet Blue Departing Gate attendant but can't locate.
Call me at (703)343-3306
