JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I was arrived 07/19/2010 flight #1412 from Miami at 11.35p.m at JFK and I forgot take my New HAt which I bought in Buenos Airesa 3 day agoy. I very like this HAT
I seated on 13C, and it is was under chear inside.I called alredy and left a massage, Please reply

I lost my passport on United Airline flight
Passport number : 07CK35871
First Name :Fanny
Last Name :Legros
adress : chemin de la veronique 07340 Bogy FRANCE

date lost : 07/17/2010
flight Number : UA 863
Seat : 19D

can you send me a mail at this adress if you find it :
as soon as possible it is very URGENT

I left my very special diamond watch after checking thru security and didn't realize it until 45 minutes later. I am so happy to say that it was was in a safe and I was able to get it back even before my fight took off. My initial thought was "OH SH!T My watch is history!" Thank you so much for putting it somewhere for me easy to claim it. You will never know how much I appreciate it and everything that is honorable that works there. Way to go!!!!

I left a small black carry on bag with my camera equiptment inside it. There is an external flash, a couple of chargers, an addtl camera battery, a couple of cell phone chargers, a book, pair of flip flops and case of eye shadow in it. If you find it, please please please contact me at natoyapayne@yahoo.com OR 917-474-6973. Thank you so very much.

Dear All:

I lost my passport, tickets, and a macbook pro in a gray laptop bag at Dollar Rental Car on Wednesday the 14th. They were left in cart.

Please if you find passport contact me ASAP

On Friday, July 16, 2010 approx. 8:30 pm I left a flowered carryon bag with wheels holding all of my medications, jewelry (some quite sentimental) as well as my glasses and shoes on the sidewalk Passenger Pickup area in front of JFK Terminal 4 International Arrivals.
I really, really need its contents.
Please contact me at nancyvnh@optonline.net or call 516-902-3745 if found.
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Help please!!!
Me and my boyfiend arrived to JFK airport at 9:10 p.m.,07/07/10,from Paris,by AirFrance airlanes, Flight : AF0008.And we lost our passports names are JULIA KADRILEEVA and ALEXANDER VYBORNOV.If anybody could help us,we would be appreciate it and reward for finding.
Please contact poulinka@yahoo.com or call 773-827-6253

Please can you help me

My girlfriend has lost her camera with the only pictures from our engagement dinner on! The last time she definitely had it was at the American Airlines check-in counter at Belize International airport. It has a lot of sentimental photos on it and I would be extremely greatful for any help you can give me in getting it returned.

It's a Turquoise Blue Samsung L201 / VLUU L201

We flew from Belize International to Miami International on AA2104 and she placed her bag in the overhead bin - seat 20B. We then flew to JFK on AA1412 and she kept her bag under the seat in front of her - seat 12B.

Thank you to anyone who can help in this matter, it is greatly appreciated, kind regards

Alex Plotkin

908-380-4059 (US)


I, Ridhima Goindi, misplaced my Laptop Bag at NEW YORK airport which was found by the Airport Authority and the same was communicated to me through a note saying :

Ref No--3120
My Seat No - 24G BA 174 From New York to London

Laptop Bag Contains :
1) SONY Vaio Laptop, VGN-VPCX 113KG/B
2) SONY Vaio Laptop Pink Color
3) Two Books A) Branding India B) White Tiger

pls help

Contact Details:


I lost my Motorola Cell Phone on Wednesday, July 14 at terminal 8, Gate 3 around 6 PM, going on a flight with AirBerlin . It is in a Leather Black cover. This phone is very important to me. If you find it, please call 323 384 1333 or email me at solmagik@hotmail.com
There is a reward. Thank you.


I, Ridhima Goindi, misplaced my Laptop Bag at NEW YORK airport which was found by the Airport Authority and the same was communicated to me through a note saying :

Ref No--3120
My Seat No - 24G BA 174 From New York to London

Laptop Bag Contains :
1) SONY Vaio Laptop, VGN-VPCX 113KG/B
2) SONY Vaio Laptop Pink Color
3) Two Books A) Branding India B) White Tiger

pls help

Contact Details:


Hi, I left a small, black Moleskin notebook (lined, containing poems) somewhere in the Jet Blue terminal (terminal 5) along with a book of poems by Keith Douglas (slim, hardback) around a week ago. I also fear I may have left another black notebook (same size, colour, make) someplace in Terminal 8 (Air Berlin departures) on Sunday evening. If you have seen or are in possession of either notebook or poetry book I would be *hugely* grateful if you might be in touch with me (patrickduncombe@hotmail.com). Will gladly pay $100 for safe return of either notebook (and same for poetry book). Thanks! Patrick.

I forgot on the flight LH 400 which arrived to NY, JFK aiport at around 13.30 pm (scheduled to arrive at 13.05) today, on July 11, a package. This was a transparent plastic bag with cosmetics (face cream, lipstick, powder) that I bought in the Frankfurt airport duty free. The cost of the goods was Euro 273. The bag was sealed and most likely has a copy of the receipt in it with my name.

Please contact me at Email: tzykova@salans.com
Tel. 8 727 258 23 80

Thank you in advance.

We arrived from Shanghai to JFK at 3:30 PM July 11th. Right outside of terminal #1 loading zone, we left my daugher's student Yamaha flute (with a small black case) on the luggage cart. Anyone found it, can you please contact me at 215-8966583(cell) or 215-2831180(home)? She is very upset now. I would like to give $100 as reward. Thanks so very very much!!!

my email is dalianya@yahoo.com

We arrived from ShangHai to JFK terminal #1 around 3:30 PM July 11th, 2010. After we loaded our luggages we left my daughter's flute on the cart. This was happened outside of the termianl arrival loading zone. If you find it, please contact me at 215-896-6583(cell) or 215-283-1180(home). Thanks so very much!! This flute means lot to my daughter, she is very upset now. I would like to give $100 for reward. Thanks again.
