JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found




I lost my carry on bag here's the description

Black&Gray color combination Nike Duffle bag.

What's inside?

1.) Lexmark T-shirt (Orange color)
2.) Lexmark Notebook
3.) Kentucky Wildcat figurine
4.) 3 watches (I know the brand but i wont mention it)

There are still several things inside that I dont want to disclose further not until somebody would confirm that there's a found bag that matches the initial descriptions I gave.

I lost it at gate 45 maybe.. just outside the rest room.


Just want to add up on the previous message I posted. It was lost on June 13, 2010. I couldn't really tell what's the exact time since I'm living in the Philippines which has different time zone... but I would guess that I lost my bag around 4pm.

Somebody has opened my luggage and has taken my hard driver. I am sure It happen in JFK cause they take my perfume, gel and my hard driver...
It is NOt fair and my hard driver has very important folder....
Where should I call? Please help me guys !

Contact your airline if you think their baggage handlers got into your bag. Contact TSA if you think it was the TSA baggage screeners. You'll probably need to do this online.

I lost my sunglasses Versace.
I was taking the flight AA132 with American Airlines from JFK to London departure at 9.30pm from Terminal 8 Gate 4
This is plastic brown sunglasses
It's a gift from my best friend
If somebody found it please contact me by email!
Thank you very much

I lost my Macbook Air on 29th August around 7 pm. I was taking the flight LX15 with Swiss International Airline from JFK to Zurich, departure at 8.55 pm.
If somebody saw it, I really appreciate as there are datas I urgently need. Please write me an email.

Please if you found a passport inside a blue bag call gustavo 646 7240060

I was leaving JFK at gate 22. I left a large cardboard envelope with very sentimental pictures inside as well as a few other items (a small book). It was by one of the seats at Gate 22. If you found this item, please contact me as I would be happy to reward the person who found it. These are personal sentimental pictures that mean a lot to me and if anyone found and returned it I would be unbelievably thankful and would be happy to reward your kindness! Thank you so much.


I forgot my silver bracelet when I passed the gate security check while NYC -Zurich flight, on September 4th.It has many chains.
If find it, please send me an email at romcily@yahoo.com

Hi Guys,

i lost my cellphone last Friday, 27th August 2010 (a black Samsung S8000 Jet, was in a black leather "Cellphone-Bag", where Samsung was embroidered on the front) on the Flight with Delta Airlines Flight No. 726 from Las Vegas to New York JFK!

I already talked to the Lost and Found in Vegas and I also contacted Delta Airlines, they said i have to ask the Lost and Found in NYC at JFK, because I lost it during the flight! I definitely had the cellphone ON the plane !

It´s very important, it was my business-cellphone and it has a lot of important stuff on it!!

Please get back at me as soon as possible!!!!

E-Mail: Konrad.Heger@gmx.net

Hi, Lost laptop on American Airlines flight 115 yesterday coming from London. Landed at JFK at 11am. Left Macbook Air in the magazine compartment of buisness class seat. Called the airline to no avail. All my work is on this laptop!!! The work is more important than the laptop!! If you can, please help.

Contact Number: 630-802-8206

i left a baby blue knapsack in terminal 5 and realized i left it when i entered the plane. i was on jetblue flight 869 to Kingston Jamaica on august 20, 2010. inside is a hp notebook laptop and it as near the end of the area with glass or near gate 26 and 27

I lost my passport with my working visa inside on saturday the 22nd of august, i was at the terminal 1 at the arrivals section and the nationality of the passport is Italian. you'll recognize it because besides my working visa, it has a student visa the page before it.

email: itto_85@yahoo.it
phone: 9174881068

Lost baseball cap but most importantly lost folder/wallet containing very important documents and keys out side Terminal 7 at JFK airport yesterday 31st august 2010.
if found please please leave at lost and found in the airport. THANK YOU


I lost my file that contains my documents yesterday, august 31st,at the immigratin counter 14 in terminal 4.
I flew out of Dubai in Emirates flight EK 501 that landed at 2:15 PM in JFK. Can you please tell me how to recover my documents? My number is 803-317-0765 and email is swatisri.bhandaru@gmail.com.
