JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



Please help.

It happened On thursday morning 29 Oct at 7:40 am at terminal 4 on JFK at security checkpoint. I was waiting inside the plexiglass corridor for a TSA officer to do a path down (I have a pacemaker) That was the last time I saw my laptop thru that clear plexiglass - one TSA officer was picking it up and looking at it from every side while on the screening belt. My laptop was very charakteristic - it was pretty heavy 17 inches apple Macbook Pro with a custom skin saying "Crime scene - do NOT cross, and a stamp of bloody palm.."

Next thing I saw was another TSA officer picking up all my belongings: 2 bags and two plastic trays puting them on top of each other and carring to TSA desk.

I was released from that plexiglass corridor and the TSA officer sayd that since that day the path down procedures have changed. He performed the new path down and run some tests - It was completely new for me and I was totally distrackted. All I was thinking was that this lasts too long and was concerned about the time to get to my plane. My plane was leaving from gate B26 - Flight 21 by Avianca going to Bogota, Colombia.

They finished the procedures and I approached the TSA desk to pick up my belongings. I took everything and remeber clearly that when I was leaving the plastic tray was left empty.

I went directly to my gate without stopping anywhere. After take off I wanted to work on my laptop so I opened my bag and I saw only empy compartment without my laptop.

What could happened - maybe there were two plastic tray - one on top of the other one and pretty distrackted I left my laptop in the bottom one.

When I arrived in Bogota, colombia I tried to seek some help at Avianca desk - but nobody wanted to help me.
When I arrived at the final destination in colombia I ask my colombian girlfriend for a laptop and stared to serch the websites for phone number to contact TSA at JFK
I found your website but the number: Terminal 4: (718) 751-4015 does not work any more.

I found a number for TSA Lost and Found at JFK (718) 917-3999 and tried to call that number. There was only an automatic answering machine who allowed me to record a very short message. I recorded the message and asked them to contact me in Colombia at 011 57 312 363 5582 but nobody did so far...

I am coming back in 2 weeks to the same terninal at JFK - but unfortunately I will not have a chance to get to those TSA officers because they always rout you different way to clear the immigration and customs and then you are out of the secured area.

How should I contact them to get back my laptop ? it was left at TSA security desk..

Please help

I believe it was stolen. You need to file a claim immediately! JFK is very infamous for theft. You will have to go through A LOT of paperwork, but they will give you an allowance usually the same amount as the cost of the stolen product. Is anything else stolen that you should report? What about the laptop charger?

With ref to' my previous email pls advise that there will be' a premium of 200 USD for my IPad return. I forgot it on Seat 41B of flight American Airlines 235 arrived in JFK airport on 29 October 2010 h 13:55.

Awaiting answer
Best Regards
Paolo Germani

I forgot an Apple Ipad on flight American Airlines 235 arrived at JFK airport on 29 october 2010 at 13:55. I was sitting on Seat 41B and i'm sure to left there. Pls advise how can have it back.
Many tank for your attention, awaiting your answer,
Best Regards
Paolo Germani

I flew to JFK from London Heathrow last Sunday (24th October) with Virgin Atlantic. I left my iPhone 3GS on the plane and was wondering if there's any chance of getting it back? Im not sure what the policy is with lost items, any help would be appreciated!
Thanks a lot, Katherine.


I lost my silver Olympus Stylus 710 camera somewhere in JFK on October 24. I was on flight TA 570 from San Salvador, went through immigration, terminal 4, and went to the passenger pick-up. I'm not sure where in JFK I lost it.

I have been calling the Lost and Found at terminal 4, and I called customs at terminal 4 to see if my camera was returned, but, no luck.

If someone returns the camera to a different terminal, would the terminal 4 guys know about it? The camera has pictures of a Habitat for Humanity trip and mean a lot to another trip member and myself. Are there any other numbers I can call or departments I can go to?

Thank you for your time.

Brown MBT shoe, right foot, green insole, lost at terminal 3, gate 5 while waiting for a Delta flight to Stockholm Arlanda on the 29th of october.


I left a black samsung netbook at approx 7am 29th Oct at Terminal 8 -probably in one of the trays.

Could you please confirm by e mail if found and how to get it shipped back .

many thanks

alan harding flight AA 142 to heathrow

I lost the HP G62t laptop battery at security checkpoint in terminal 8 OF American Airlines on Oct 26 2010 at around 8 PM. Please let me know if you found it. Thanks a lot.

To Whom It May Concern,

This morning around 6:25am, my carry on bags were lost through the TSA screening process. As I was collecting my laptop and putting on my shoes and belt after putting my belongings through the X-Ray Machine and walking through the metal detector, a TSA agent grab my bag and gave it to one of the Wheelchair attendants that transports disabled people to their gates for departure. As soon as I turned around my bag was gone, I asked the attendant what happened to my bag and he said he gave it to the man pushing the wheelchair.

After going to the TSA desk, I spoke with Supervisor Colin and a woman by the name of Pat Cabon who assisted me in returning the flight with my bags. the flight was #833 I believe and was headed towards the Dominican Republic. I guess we searched the plane, but there wasn't enough time we could spend on the matter.

I was curious how I could file a complaint against the TSA or locate my belongings. My bag was a carry on and therefore had no tags, but my information is in the bag.

Can you please help me locate my bag. Also, there was a very rude TSA agent of West Indian or Indian decent wearing glasses with long hair that was working the TSA desk that was very rude and insulting and did not care to assist me in my urgency. I don't have her name, but the supervisor at JFK American Airlines terminal would know who she is.

More importantly, I would like to locate my bag. I will attempt to call and continue emailing to I'm heard.

Thanks for reading,

Chiedozie Ukachukwu

On 7th October at 9.00PM I lost my Expanding File Folder ( Size Approx: 330x260x35mm ) at any Parking Lot of JFK International Airport. This folder is made of transparent plastic material. This bag is containing 7 Pakistani Passports. 4 Passports are of my name and are attached to each others. Other 3 passports are of my son's name - Syed Junaid Ali Hamdani that are attached to each other. In addition to above items, it is also containing a file of Medical History and National Identity Card of my son, Travelling Ticket as well as Appointment Letter of the US Hospital in the name of my son.
All of these things are of great worth to me, so please inform me at 703 625 7307 or e-mail: hamdani_enterprises@cyber.net.pk as soon as you found it.
I shall highly appreciate for your kind assistance in this regard.
Syed Muhammad Shahid Hamdani

i lost a cell phone at october 24(sunday) at 11:30 aproximately in jfk airport gate 6.the flight are 740 to ponce,p.r. is an motorola ve 440.please send me by fedek at the following address: maria n rodriguez ramos 26 calle arenas ponce,p.r. 00730.thanks

I lost a black laptop case with a black acer netbook computer and a cannon a540 camera inside on the airtrain Sunday the 24th Oct at around 9:45 - 10p. If found please contact me at HemiRules2000@Yahoo.com. Thank You very much.


I lost my phone when I put it through the xray machine. I was putting on my shoes and when came back to the bucket I grabbed my bag, only to find out, on the flight that it was missing.

If anyone has it please contact me. Immediately.

It has a beach on the screen saver.

i left my camera at gate 44 in the american airlines terminal no more than half an hour ago.
i am on the flight right now, joined on the wifi. if it is found please email me.
