JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



found it!!!

I have take by mistake the bagage of astner Stefan at the JFK terminal. The flight was LH410
Company lufthansa from Munich . If you have My bagage please ask for mr jacquier or mrs Grondin at number (212) 866-6400

My mom had her external hard drive yesterday (12/05) while she was goint through security. She didn't notice that the ladie took it out. But she didn't put in the basket so then my mom could put in her carry on. I left a message to tsa, but I'm pretty sure they will never answer me back. What should I do?

I lost my blackberry on Monday 06-Dec at around 6:30 a.m. at terminal 8, in the male's handicapped restroom. Grateful for returning business contact info and personal photos are invaluable

hi my name is rizwan hamid i was travling on 29 of nov at around 8;00 i entered the security check point at the terminal 4 where i checked all my belonging and including my laptob i did not take out my laptop from the bag the lady at tsa made me take it out from the bag and said to scan it again i as pretty much done with my checking and i was gathering my things and handling my one year old daughter with all the rushing at the line i picked up my bags and i rushed out of there and did not put my laptop in my bag thinging that its still in my bag no one even said to me to take the laptop from the security check point not even that lady that was there she knew that it was mine why did she looked for me that laptop was more that a 700 dollar laptop it was a marriage anniversary gift from my wife and it had all my work related files..and lets not forget all my memory of my little duaghter pictures video all the holidays spent with my families etccc....
i can afford hundereds of laptops but those memories where can i go to buy those
the people at the security should be careful with other people belonging to that they go to the right person becuse they look at them to make sure it safe
if any one has seen my laptop sony vio silver it has a crack at the web cam place and its put in place with some scotch tape it has a track it telephone number on it plz contact there and notify them or at my email hrizwan7284@gmail.com or drop it at 37-03 74 st jackson heigths ny 11372 its very important that i get it back there can be a little reward along with it bring it and find out or do it fro the sake of my daughter...
thank you
rizwan hamid

Customer service at JFK rates a zero on the for point monitor. Almost none of the numbers are working numbers. None of the personal the other ends of the phone lines that do work have any inclin of friendly etiquette. They act like you have harassed them by calling. I am having the worst time finding some who can help me find an item I may have left on a flight I have just taken. I cannot find anyone who knows who to contact just to start an action or find a starting point for this simple procedure. The majority of numbers on this webpage don't exist anymore. Going to JFK is always a nightmare. Whoever was paid to do the layout of this airport or any operations system was clearly on crack. I could design a more customer friendly layout

Lost on or about the 24th of Oct 2010, an Australian passport in the name of Annabelle Mookhoek. Please contact me via email.

I lost my laptop on 12/02/2010. Is a 10" computer color blue, is in a gray and black bag. Im not sure I left the bag on the parking lot 4 or inside terminal 4 when my back where checked. I was coming on a fligh LAN 532. We call the lost and found, we left a massege but no one has return my phone call.

We lost a small camera bag that contained both our digital camera and our video camera on Delta flight 1614 from FLL to JFK on Monday, November 29th, 2010. The 2 memory cards in those cameras contain irreplaceable photos and videos of our young family. We are offering a major reward for the return of those memory cards. If found, please e-mail us at METAL113@aol.com

I lost my sons gold Nintendo DS on a JetBlue flight from Puerto Rico to JFK on Nov. 26th. The flight after was going to San Francisco. If you find it, please e-mail me at dd49@optonline.net my 7 year old is devastated. Thanks, Alison

Tuesday evening dropped my iPhone 3GS at Terminal 3, Delta Departures Terminal 3 outside.

Should have need in road outside, upper level near center of roadway.

I called it and TXT'd a bunch with instructions on how to return- there is a reward.

Thank you!!!!

Hi. We arrived at JFK December 1st with Delta 172 from Narita/Tokyo. Since there was no yellow cabs outside due to the weather (raining)after waiting for a while, we decided to take a car service (a black car; the driver was looking for a customer outside of the terminal 3, taxi area). on the way back, we left our stroller "Uppa baby G-luxe" in his trunk and none of us (including the driver) did not notice it. He left with the stroller and never came back. I hope he will return it to us as we really need it for our daughter.

If you know this driver, please let him know that we are willing to pay fuel cost if he could come back to our apartment on the roosevelt island to drop off the stroller. He is originally from Haiti and speaks fluent English and French. His car is a black SUV. He is a tall guy, dark skin with black hair (short).


** Lost Item:

Digital Camera - red orange - Ricoh (Caplio R7) - in pink-color leather handbag

** Date and Flight

2010 Nov 30 Delta Airline DL6570 ORD JFK (item lost in the airplane)

** Contact Information:

Ms Wei-Hui Huang / whhung2@gmail.com / +001-201-726-1298

Lost messenger bag Monday, November 29th. Delta flight 2382 from Miami to JFK, leaving at 7pm, from gate H9.

I lost my messenger bag which is checkered, tan and brown. Inside, I had a camera, a GPS, a computer charger, and several other personal items.

I have many memories on that camera that will be lost forever. I would really appreciate any information and I am offering a reward. Please contact me at (917) 520-1121 or alfredo@alfredomubarah.com

I left an Ipod Touch on an American Airlines plane on a red-eye from LAX to JFK on 11/14/10 to 11/15/10. It was a 2nd generation with 16 gigs. It was in a black, zippered case with a grey/white cover over the Ipod itself. Distinctive apps include Scrabble, Weather Channel, American Airlines. I will glady pay a reward and shipping for its return.
