JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



On sunday morning around 7:00 my son had 2 sports caps. One was a NY Islander and the other an Oakland A's
If found, please contact.

Hi, on the 24th of May I lost my red Nike duffle bag. I was have some issues getting through customs and was running late for my connecting flight. There was a mix up with my bag and it was put through the checked luggage security point just after customs although it was a carry on. I have called and left multiple messages with no response. If any one knows another way I can contact Jfk lost and found please let me know.

Thanks Maddy

I left a black 3-ring binder and two spiral notebooks on top of the cart rental machine in Terminal 8, American Airlines. These are not the type of materials that the cleaning crew would throw away, and my notes are very important to me. I'm offering $150 reward for return of these notebooks. The spiral notebooks contain PowerPoint slides for training courses on electric markets and power engineering. My name and phone number is inside on the first page of each of these 3 training notebooks. There are power utility equipment photos on the front of the notebooks and the one black 3-ring binder contains golf notes inside. If found please email me or call me at 203-313-4259.

Thank you

Hi, I arrived at JFK last sunday in the morning. My flight's number was JJ8080 of Tam from Sao Paulo. My sit was 37F. Unfortunately, i forgot a black bag with some orange's details. Inside this bag, there was computer, a blackberry recharger, some personal cards, including mine, a black WD from Sansumg and other stuff. Please, who found this bag call to Nese School in Boston (617) 864 7170 or send a e-mail.

Eduardo Dias

I left a Nintendo DS and CHarger with POkemon Diamond in JFk in the Air CHina sections on March 18th about so if anyone has seen it contact me at 13charless@lrei.org

Hi, My brother returned from New York yesterday morning. He arrived into Shannon with Aer Lingus. While in the departure bar called Avian..... his carry on luggage went missing. Its a black case on wheels. Contents are as follows: 2 x Adidas tee shirts, a watch, crest whitening strips, eye drops. 3 pairs of brand new dockers trousers, socks and jocks. There is no i.d. on the hand luggage as its intention was to be carry on. There is also an envelope in the case addressed to Davis O Sullivan. Maybe someone has taken it by mistake. If so, please e mail me at above address.

Many thanks,


lost black verizon phone at us airways terminal or at baggage claim late 3/28/11.has black case--plain phone but importanat to me. please call 609-320-8716 if found..thankyou

I arrived at JFK last friday the 24 th, at 4th terminal, i took a van from Supershuttle which picked up people from the 7th terminal. When i arrived to Manhattan i got my bag but a few minutes later i realised that it wasn´t mine. The bag that i have is from ALEXANDRA BUHLER. I called Supershuttle but they say me that nobody has called mentioning this situation, maybe Alexandra thinks that the airline has the problem but i have her bag and i don´t know who has mine.
Please if anyone knows anything about it, email me: estebanderosa@gmail.com.
I have my medicine in the bag, i don´t know what to do.

Someone took my gate-checked bag from Delta 6054 arriving from Charlotte, NC on 03/28 - I have your bag - please post ASAP so we can swap!!!

Lost pair of "Fiction" black sunglasses w/prescription lenses somewhere b/w security and Delta gate 22 on way to board 5pm Flt from JFK to LAX. Prescrip lenses makes these very expensive, plus i loved them - will pay reward if anyone returns them.

I left a camera with all my pictures from disney world in a us airways plane . treveling from Florida to New York. that was in 2008

Lost black portable hard drive in black zipper case on DL 87, 26 March 2011 from VCE to JFK, seat 23E. Phone: +44 779 541 3749.

I lost a womens brown/tan wallet on March 26 at the AA terminal, probably Gate 40. First name on drivers license in wallet is Kyle. email address is kyle [dot] clark [at} gmail.com Thank you.

I believe I left my wallet on the 03/26 Doha-JFK flight #83. If anyone locates it - a red-blue-silver leather wallet - please email einvest@hotmail.com. Thank you.

I flew in with the Delta flight from Frankfurt to JFK last Sunday and arrived at 3:30. At baggage claim I must have forgotten to claim a goose-feather blanket wrapped in brown paper with my name written on it. The baggage claim check is DL131690. If found please email me at ajb583@gmail.com.
