JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I left an LG cell phone (old) on the Air Train Sunday, June 19. Pls email adoyle0128@gmail.com if found.

Lost on Monday, June 13

Terminal 8 American Airlines

Poster (agricultrual map of France), rolled up, wrapped in white paper, approx 4 feet long, 3 inch diameter.

Please email if found.

Lost a High School Diploma, in a navy blue portfolio, with the name "American International School" on it. If found, please contact me at 516-582-6126.

Claude E Wells
Lost US Passport on AA 1470 from Orlando to JFK, Saturday, 18 June.

Local Tel: 718-297-7000 Rm 312

In between security and gate 9, I lost a black mesh bag of dirty clothes.

Does anyone know of a direct number for the lost and found office at terminal 7 JFK?. I had to leave the backup battery for my cpap machine there as Qantas wouldn't allow me to take it on the aircraft - insufficient paperwork etc. I have had a month to have the battery picked up but have so far been unable to contact the office so I can get details to forward to a courier company for pickup. I am now running out of time - this Wednesday the time is up for it to be held there.
Any ideas other than me flying back to New York!?

Max Hong I left my laptop at JFK airport, i left it when i was going through metal detector and i forgot to pick up my laptop
its silver hp envy 17, please email me if you know where it is

call 718-244-4225 for loas and found

We lost a black wallet with no cash in it 6/15/11 around 10:20 pm coming out of virgin america on our way to door A to meet a car.

Name on id is Stager.

If you found it please let me know.


I forgot my black GREECE hoodie on the plane on May 23rd coming back from Athens. I remember it being in the seat but I don't remember picking it up and putting it back in my carry-on. The flight landed at about 4pm(ish).

My son has lost is Super Mario Rucksak with all his favorite soft toys in, including "Buddy" who he has slept with for all 6 years of his life. He cries every night for Buddy - it's really so sad - I have rung all the numbers I can to try and find the bag (we think we left it by Dollar Car rental but they found nothing) and I would be SO grateful if anyone has found it. The bag also has two Mini Boden coats in one Blue and White striped (my son's) and one Pink with white spots (his sisters)... Here's hoping.

Hi there
I'm a reporter from The Wall Street Journal working on a story on people with lost and found stories from airports. I was hoping to talk to you for the story. COuld you email me at sumathi.reddy@wsj.com? Thank you.
Sumathi Reddy

as i left the checking point of gate A4 at about 4:00pm..heading to my Egypt Air flisht 896 departing to cairo, yesterday June 13,2011...i left my golden blacelet in the basked or might have dropped as my handbag was being checked.....please let me kknow if somehow found it and it is at your keep.. greately appreciate it if you could answer me ASAP,, you have my e-mail.. awaiting. thank u very much..

To Whom it May Concern, Two weeks ago I posted a message on this website looking for my hard drive which I dropped on a flight to Israel. For the last two weeks, I have been the victim of an attempted scam. IF ANYONE NAMED JANE (OR ANYONE ELSE) SAYS THEY ARE CONTACTING YOU FROM KENYA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THAT THEY HAVE SOMEHOW GOTTEN A HOLD OF YOUR MISSING OBJECT - DON'T FALL FOR IT. This person will try to collect money from you (and who knows what else). Luckily I was able to contact the airport in Kenya and verify that this was in deed a fraud. I don't wish this kind of heartache on any other person. Be careful who you believe and who you respond to...

Just wanted to thank you for posting this... "Jane" tried to run this same scam on my 16 year old son who lost his phone at JFK. Luckily he "googled" her name, along with the words"Kenya International Airport" - just to see if he could find any info on her before he sent her the $150 she wanted to post his phone- and he came across your post and warning! This confirmed what we had suspected and needless to say, no money was sent! These people have been running this scam for awhile now- my sin has since found other references to both her and "casty" on other websites! I hope you do get your laptop back, and I hope my son recovers his phone, and I really hope these criminals are put out of business!
Take care, and thanks again for the warning!
Kind Regards,
L Green
