JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



A phone was lost on Sunday August 7,2011 At approximately 1:30 am whiles leaving a flight from Florida. This phone was a black touch screen Tracfone and is very important. Please reply if this phone was found. Thank you so much!

Someone....possibly Russian lost a bag on Air Berlin.... And I have it ....
I have contacted Air Berlin numerous times with NO RETURN CALLS OR RESULTS !!!!
The Tag reads.... RUSH....XH 902408....Milan - MALP
To...JFK DUSAB ....From....MXPAB....
other small label AB7450....AB8407....DUS Jul 1

another tag rolled underneath these tags reads AB 354327....0745AB354327

If anyone can repost this in the appropriate site I would appreciate that....

I am at a loss as to what to do since Air Berlin has not returned my calls as they said they would..... UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!!!!

This Purple Bag was delivered to me by mistake.... my suitcase finally did arrive ....but they and others have refused to take this one back





Hi,i've lost my iPOD TOUCH on 31st July before boarding at terminal 7,gate 8. It has a back cover which is red with white dots on it. The background of the unlock screen is a girl holding a brown colored poodle. The time i lost it is about 1 o' clock in the early morning. If you have seen it or know where it is, please e-mail me at heiwahchan@hotmail.com
Thank you indeed.

Hi, I am missing my bag(type: backpack) which is red in color on the top face and sides and bottom is black. It's brand name is Tuff. It does contain my most important documents and ticket itnerary is also inside the bag. If any one have found it please email me at sunilgoyal2100@gmail.com or reach me at +1-937-707-0258.
I will very grateful to you.
Thank you.

Please make sure every1 to be careful they have thieves lurking around, that steals people items . Please return ASAP

I found a watch that has big value on July 30th at the screening of TSA at terminal 7. If you lost a watch and you can describ it to me... then I will send it back to you. You can email at this adress: maikatardif@yahoo.ca

Please help! On Sunday July 31 around 4PM we lost our black luggage with very important documents in the JFK parking lot on terminal 8. There is a tag with our name, Shkreli on the luggage. Please email me if you have any information sammy777s@gmail.com Will pay reward for return of the documents if found of course.

If any one has found my daughter's blue knapsack, left on airtrain outside of the American Airlines terminal this morning, Wed, Aug 3rd, PLEASE call 513-319-9809. It has many important items and sentimental things.

On Tuesday July 26Th I've lots a Camera :
EOS Rebel T3i 18-55mm IS II Kit
It was at delta Terminal before the flight of 4 PM to montreal.
Please let me knew if you have it...

Hi I lost my daughters beloved Hello Kitty handbag with all her favourite possessions inside! We were on delayed flight delta 2159 which left JFK on sat 30th july at 9 30 at night for Orlando, Florida. if someone has found her bag please could you contact me! I would be so gratefull!!! Thankyou, from sad mummy!

My daughter left her blue knapsack on the Airtrain Wed. Aug 3rd in the morning. Someone picked it up before the train got to the next station. If you have found it, PLEASE contact me at 513-319-9809.
Thank you.

I lost my Canon G-10 at Terminal 1, or possibly on flight 008 from Paris on August 1st.
I would gladly pay for its retrieval.
Thank You,
steve berger
Please call with any info
my # is 646-529-1128

I lost my reading glasses (black frame, D&G) yesterday on Terminal 8. Please let me know if someone found them.

I lost, at terminal 7, on august 2, around 17:15, at the security check point, a Sony machine photo. It was in a black box. My Flight was NYC to Madri Iberia number 5678 18:00. Please send me an e-mail gustavonaufel@gmail.com
