JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I have left my black McBook in a black case at Terminal 8 next to Gate 5 on the 29th of August, before flying off with Mexicana Airlines to Mexico DF. Please let me know if you have found anything!! I am a student and besides the financial loss, I also lost some very valuable interviews that are irreplaceable for my master thesis. Thank you!

I left my blackberry phone at the curb side check in of Jetblue airlines. Please let me know if you found it., Sept. 1st around 12:30 p.m.

I lost my Australian Passport and Permanent Resident Greencard somewhere after going through International Customs and on to the domestic terminal at to catch my connecting AA Flight #85. Obviously these items are of great importance, if you found them, please e-mail me at hmarks(AT)gmail.com. Thank you very much!

I was in seat F13 on flight 0355 from JFK to Burbank and accidentally left my make-up bag near my seat. It is small and the colors are black and purple. Please contact me asap if you have found my property. Thank you very much for your time!

Two phones have been stolen from me between spring and now. Once in the gym and the other While walking down the street in bklyn my phone was snatched from my hand.. That was a very traumatic experience, being so violated. I had replaced it and was always careful. I travelled around Italy and back with it and have managed to not loose it again. Unfortunately, this morning I realized that I did not have my phone. the last time I recall having it was outside of terminal 8 walking towards my cousin's car, AA International Arrivals. My bag fell in the street and I may have lost it there. As I am sure you can imagine, I am very stressed. I am a school teacher and my entire calendar as well as so many important numbers that I have had to work hard to replace are in this phone. Getting this phone back would be such a blessing. I have found phones in the past and returned them. I am praying that this good karma will come back to me, as I have had such bad luck with phones in the past. Thank you so much!


My wife and I left our camera (Canon Powershot point and click) on our plane (Alitalia flight 610 from Rome to JFK on August 29th 2009). We were sitting in business class (row 9A and C) and we left it in the front compartment. it is a silver camera and it is enclosed in a black flip case. We have over 600 pictures of our honeymoon on the memory card and it is very important to us. I don't care about the camera, just the memory card. please contact me if you have the memory card. a reward will be given. ryan20741@aol.com or 732-233-4222

I lost a Silver Sony Camera on an American Airlines Flight from Rome to JFK on August 30th. The camera was in Pink Carrying Case. We had over 300 pictures from our trip an it is extremely valuable to us. If you have any information, I will pay a reward for the return of the camera. Call 518-429-8561.

Goodmorning. I went on flight 740 on August 29th 2009, leaving from Ponce, Puerto Rico to Jfk New York Leaving at 5:05 am arriving at 9:00am. I arrived around 9 am in the morning in JFK on August 29th (Saturday). The phone is a Sony Ericsson TM506, Amber. It is a flip phone. It fell out of my phone when my purse went sideways on Aisle 17. This really isnt valuable, but the phone had several photos and videos of my one year old son that are irreplacable. Please contact me if found. There is a reward.

I spoke with my cellphone company and they told me that no one has used the phone which means it is still in the plane in between the seats. If someone had taken it, they would have used it and it would have shown on my statement and bill, but I made a last call when I arrived and that has been the last one. It is still in that plane. I beg of you, jetblue and the airline to check aisle 17 on that Jetblue plane. It would mean the world to me, if you guys can look through it. CAll me if you found the phone, my number is 4133643119.

Thank you.

I was hand carrying some expensive recording equipment so I stuck my laptop in my luggage... in a laptop bag... at the bottom of my suitcase. I KNOW it was in the bag when i checked it in at JFK, but it didn't arrive in England. They broke a picture frame while they were ripping my laptop out too. I had the most amazing time in New York, but, JFK airport put a downer on my whole vacation. Worst airport in the world (and i've been through many of them). After speaking to my airline, they told me that I could get a claim out of it but i'll never see my laptop again. Worst airport in the world. rudest terminal staff i have ever met.

I work in an airport. I service the Rapiscan machines they use to scan our baggage. The only way for this to happen is for someone to see the laptop on the screen and know exactly where to find it. Usually, the baggage moves so fast that the operator wouldn't have time to get out of his chair to do that... so... someone else did it for him. They've probably been doing it enough to get real good at it by now.


Lost my camera at seat # 10F - FLIGHT # 724 ON AUGUST 26 FROM NASSAU/BAHAMAS
Please call 917-582-7931 or 718-619-6441

Sun Aug. 23 I was on Delta DL 4 from JFK to Reagan National in DC. I lost my sunglasses under the seat. The must have fell out of the mesh pocket on my Back pack they were in a black Maui Jim zippered case. After the DC stop. The plane was heading to Atlanta. Any one finding them please call me 203 223-1172 reward $$$

I left my computer in the baggage cart while unloading my bags at terminal 4 in the passenger pickup please email me if anyone finds it as soon as possible.
Thank you so much.

Hello, I lost my 10K white gold ring with a pearl and a small diamond in it in a ladies' bathroom in Terminal 8 close to Gate 12 on August 10th around 4pm. It is very important to me! If anyone found it, PLEASE return it!

PS: High Reward Guaranteed!!! Contact me at angelaniederberger@yahoo.de!

John W master conflictmanagement CO4

I contacted the airport several times about my lost digital NY Tech Black. Lost on the 25 july at JFK. gate nr 3 Air Berlin. No sucesfull respons My first trip with my two sons to NY is now whitout these special pictures. ( 2gb scandisk )
Please inform me if their are other possibilities to reaCH the finder of my goods.
