Terminal 7


Airlines that operate from JFK Airport Terminal 7 (gates 1-12)

Airlines Phone Numbers IATA Code
Aerolineas Argentinas (800) 333-0276 AR
Air Canada (888) 247-2262 AC
ANA (All Nippon) (800) 235-9262 NH
British Airways (800) 247-9297 BA
Cathay Pacific (800) 233-2742 CX
Iberia (800) 772-4642 IB
Icelandair (800) 223-5500 FI
OpenSkies (866) 581-3596 EC
Qantas (800) 227-4500 QF
Ukraine International Airlines (800) 876-0114 PS



Either terminal(1 or 7) is good for that purpose.

Thank you for that info. I have a follow-up question. Since my sister does not speak very good English (she arrives from Germany), it would be better for me to go to T1 and find her there.

a) what is the easiest way to get from T7 to T1?

b) Where in T1 is a good meeting place - one that is not too difficult to find?

c. Are taxis outside of Terminal 1?

d. I understand that taxis will charge a flat rate of $45 plus toll?

Thank you for helping me on this.

The easiest way is to get the free train from T7 to T1. Make sure you get ANY train on track 1.
At T1 the good meeting place would be arrivals hall - it is not big and you can easily find your sister there.
There is taxi stand right outside arrivals hall at T1 - you will join a taxi line and will be assisted by uniformed taxi dispatcher.
The taxi charge to any point to Manhattan is flat rate of $45 plus bridge toll($5.50).


Hi, I would appreciate if you could give me some orientative feedback on my connecting flights. I will be arriving to T7 from Spain at 19.10h and I have to get a domestic flight in T5 at 21.15h. Do you think I can make it? how does it works, I clear immigration and security first and then I get my bags or can I get iberia to send my bags to jetblue? thanks a lot, Liz

Hi Liz,
The time is enough to do that as long as your Iberia flight is on time. When you land you pass through immigration, pick up your bags and pass customs. Then you can look for Iberia representative and asked them where you can recheck you bags for transfer.
Once out of T7, cross the streets and go upstairs to the Airtrain Station. Take ANY train on track 2 for one stop. At T5 go to the second floor ; if you don't have a boarding pass, get one from Jet Blue counter and look for security checkpoint where you go to the gates.


i arrived at pvg 3 days ago. but i havent got my luggage yet from jfk, is there anybody can help me???????????????? i'd be very appreciate that

Hi, we're arrving with Cathay Pacific in JFK 2055 i guess terminal 7 and then taking off to Peru with LAN airlines at 2345. Is this adequate time for deplane, getting baggage n clearing customs to get on Lan airflight - we sure dont want to miss it!

You have enough time as long as Cathay is on time.

Hello. I arrive on 10th March at 22:35, but I have the visa on 11th. could I have any problems when passing through passport control. Or can I just wait one and a half hours until a visa is open?

I don't think it would be a problem as long as the airline let you fly with that visa.

thank you!

Hi: Is there a nexus kiosk for incoming Canadians at Terminal 7

Tomorrow i will be travelling on Cathay Pacific airline at terminal 7. Are there delays and is that terminal open?

Check with your airline for flight status. All terminals are open.

Is it possible to get from terminal 8 to terminal 7 without going through security again?
I will be arriving @ 4:00 p.m. [if AA is on time] and need to get on an IB flight leaving @ 6:00 p.m. If I can avoid waiting in the line at security, I would feel better.
Thank you.


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