JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I lost my digital camera either on my flight or at baggage claim this Saturday night on flight GJ956 from Rome (FCO) to JFK. If found please send me an e-mail. Thank you.

I was traveling Delta Arlines JFK Airport, NY on Monday 23th June I left my Dell Computer in the Check in Area (Terminal 2) the computer is grey color, there are 2 stickers on the botton one of them is my name tag

Delta Airlines # 397 from NYC to Atlanta 6:10am LV

If any one has found my coputer please give me a call I ll be forever in debt is my main work tool .... (741) 538 85 19 .... showworks@hotmail.com


Im Edward Aguilar from Veenzuela. I lost my passport the last friday 20/06/2008 at 7:00 am.., I was waiting my fly to Houston texas by Continental airline. To find my passport is very important cause Im working in a Oil company and I have to work all the months. My passport Number is D.0777278. I have my visa in my passport. Please call me If some body know about it, My celphone is +584148178675

Edward Aguilar

My moving path was from STARBUCKS -> Security check point -> Gate 10

Probably in STARBUCKS or Security check point.

My phone is silver and I can't remember but maby LG or SAMSUNG phone.

That has the transparent case only at the bottom part of the slide phone.

And there are my phone number which WAS my phone number in NY.

Please check it and leave respond message.

I lost a plastic bag with 2 t-shirts (blue and white) and 2 cups in it. Lost near Gate 9 on 6/23. If found please call 310 721-2170

i lost my ipod nano (orginal) and left it around one of the bus transportation taking you from your plane to the luggage carosels and exits. It was inside a pink cover and has a Borders membership card inside. For proof it was mine it had Everlife, High School Musical(1&2), miley cyrus, jonas bros., vanessa hudgens, timbaland, and if u look in PLAYLISTS there is one named Miley Cyrus. It was lost in May 17 2008. Please if u still have it send me an email and i will reply back to give u my mailing adress to send it back to me.
thx 4 taking the time to read this! :^P

I flew from Jacksonville,FL on 06/19/2008 arrival at 7:09 pm at JFK terminal 6 by Jet Blue. I accidently left behind
a red cosmetic bag at the ladies room that is right on front of jet blue baggage claim # 6. And is not valuable but significant sentimental to me my son send this gift before he went to middle east.

Please contact me if you have any

Melba Torres

I am looking for a medium black suitcase with wheels and a pull out handle that arrived on 6/20 with flight BA 173 from London Heathrow on terminal 7. My name is written on a tag. It has the number BA 614516.

Please write me an email or call me at 914-722-7222.

I arrived at JFK Airport on Terminal 7 on 6/20 with flight BA173 from London Heathrow, terminal 5.
I accidentally took a black suitcase made by UNICORN LONDON with wheels and a pull out handle. It has the number 648416.

If that is your suitcase, please write me an email or call me at 914-722-2772 in New York.

My suitcase has the number 614516.

we lost our handbag with all our documents in jfk yesterday.If anybody saw or know something pls. mail me at almu123@gmail.com.Thanks

To anyone who may have found a black IPod Nano with black leather case and black earbuds which was left on this flight today please contact me on this email or (860) 749-7104 I would really appreciate it thanks.

I lost my PINK NOKIA cell phone (swivel style)in terminal 4 yesterday between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Please reply if you found it or know anything about it... Thanks sooo much!! :-)

i arrived at jfk airport lastnight and i have a strong feeling i dropped my wallet in the parking lot, right outside of baggage on the ground floor. if any, and i mean anyone has found it please return it to jfk lost and found. if that is too much just take it to the post office. I DONT CARE ABOUT THE MONEY!!! it is everything else that is important to me that is in there. thank you for taking the time to read this have a blessed day.

I have travelled in DL17 Flight from Mumbai and reached JFK at 7.30 AM on 17 June 08. since my connecting Flight to Tamapa is at 2.55 PM, I was taking rest at Terminal 1 level 1 (near Exchange)and also I took rest at Terminal.1 level 2 for some time.

when I reached at Tampa Airport, I realized that my vallet is missing from my pocket.The vallet contains USD 1200 along with UAE Dherms. I hope the vallet contains my visiting card named Vellanki sivakumar, Dodsal contruction engineering pvltd, UAE.

If you found above vallet please call me to below mobile number.

813 9434169.

could you please inform me about the status of my vallet which was missed though e-mail.




My CA drivers license fell onto my seat 4C flight 1100 JetBlue from Raleigh to JFK. Please mail to my address on the license and I will reimburse your fee. Many thank you's.
