JFK Airport Lost and Found

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JFK Airport Lost and Found



I lost my small blue Ericsson cell phone yesterday, September 3rd at around 5:15pm. I think I left it in the Shuttle currently being used to transport people to gates 17-24. I believe I left it in the Shuttle.

My phone number is 415 488 1834. Please call if found. Thank you!

Yesterday, Sept. 3, I left a pair of thick-rimmed, dark green reading glasses in the women's bathroom in Terminal 3 in the bathroom located beyond the baggage claim/customs area where the rental car/hotel information is. They were left around 8.30pm after I flew in on Delta flight DL2. Please call 347.285.3145 if found.

Hi, I lost my Sony hardrive camera aug 24 at JFK airport. There was a wedding on it. It is the only copy of the wedding. I am offering a reward of 1,000 for the videos on the camera. Everything will be anonymous. 8622212641. Lets see how many good people we have in the world

hi i was on flight 41 from jfk to mco on sept.02, 08 at 9:15 am.i lost a louis vuitton purse with about $2 cash and my passport either in the airport or on the plane but i know that i didnt get off the plane with it. this is extremely important seeing as i intend to fly again soon and i would prefer my identity to not be abused. please email me via mizzunique_da1@yahoo.com or call at 407-591-9317. thank you in advance


Im Edward Aguilar from Venezuela. I lost my passport the last friday 20/06/2008 at 7:00 am.., I was waiting my fly to Houston texas by Continental airline. To find my passport is very important cause Im working in an Oil company and I have to work all the months. My passport Number is D.0777278. I have my visa in my passport. Please call me If some body know about it, My celphone is +584148178675 my email is edward.aguilar@petrozuata.com

Edward Aguilar

on aug. 30 , i waited at the terminal A, gate 40 flight to san fran - i lost my black leather wallet. my name is albert chen. please email me if you find it. jwongdesign@yahoo.com

I have lost my carry-on on JFK Airport, before taking China Airlines destination Taiwan. It's an obligation for me to refind it. Thank you.

on sept 2, 2008,
coming from heathrow london to JFK,
lost a small black journal, covered in stickers,
which also contained my ID and some cash

if found, most likely lost at heathrow,
please contact me:

DATE: 09 - 01 - 2008




CELL NUMBER: 254 931 0573
eMAIL: hovig_khachadourian@hotmail.com


Reward: There will be a VERY large reward$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and you can remain anonoymous.

While returning back from Jamica Station on Air Train with my family on 16 August 2008 my wife lost her bag (Yellow color Leather made, Ladies bag) in the Air Train at JFK Terminal # 04 at around 8:15 PM when we were coming out of the train to catch the flight # EK 0202 to Dubai. I immediately reported this to the ground staff of Air Train with request to search the train which was heading towards Terminals 5/6 but they were unable to locate the bag.

The Air Train Help Section informed the incident to the Police Officer on duty Mr. VAN SLYKE, who has filed police report for lost of 04 passport of my family and registered Case # 15283 dated 16 August 2008.

The items in bag include:

- Passports 04
- Currency $ 1800
- Mobile set Nokia
- Sunglases
- Air Tickets

If any body found it he can contact me at this


On August 28th, between 1pm and 2pm I lost black sunglasses (glasses fit my personal diopters) and an iPod touch 8GB in the mens restroom on the right of the security checkpoint on the departure floor at Terminal 1. The iPod shows my wife in her wedding dress when turning the device on. Please email spammermann@gmx.de if you have any information or you have found it. Thank you very much!

While sitting at the Jet Blue gate for my flight last friday (8/22/08) from JFK to Oakland, I lost a Cannon lens (EF17 to 40 ml. wide angle) F/4L USM serial #8806A002. Please contact me at my e-mail address...a reward will be gladly given!

212-736-1580 (ext.205)

Thank you very much!

Bill Thonack

I left a beije NIKE bag with a lap top ( Sony Vaio ) inside from Charles de Gaule to JFK ( flight n.º AF 010 ) with very important working information.
Please if you anything about these just send an e-mail.

i lost my wallet on the delta flight from edinburgh on the 18th of august it is black and when you open it there is a black car saying topman on it .
please email me if you know any info


thank you

REf. # AHL LHRAI 17921
To whom it may concern,
my name is Barry Kowal.I have been trying to contact you since last Wednesday.On
August 18,2008 at Heathrow Airport I filed a claim with Global Baggage for two
lost bags (bar code 0098040950 and another bag but that is not now important).
Both bags were delivered to me in Berlin.Germany.However the bag (or big huge
green backpack) with the bar code 0098040950 had a small dark/light blue small
backpack (like the kind that children use to carry their books to school) inside
of it. This bag was not delivered.Even when the person from global baggage came
to deliver the bag I signed for the part of the bag I received but above it I
wrote "One bag missing".On Sunday at check in for my 19:45 Air India flight
(AI112) from JFK to Heathrow they only allow you to check in two bags.But
I wanted to check in three bags so I put the small light blue/dark blue backpack
inside the huge big huge green backpack. There is no bar code on the small dark
blue/light blue backpack.One should note there were at least 10 magazines inside
the small dark blue/light blue backpack.More important to me was that there were
also some very important papers inside the small dark blue/light blue backpack.
There are three possible scenerios of what could have happened. The first one
I hope is not the correct one. Some could have stolen the backpack.
I hope one of the other two scenerios are the correct one. The small dark
blue/light blue backpack was packed at the very top of the huge green backpack
and was secured at the top by just a string. Possibly while in transit the string
could have loosened and the small dark blue/light blue backpack could have fallen
out of the bigger backpack. If that is the case then the small backpack should be
located at either JFK,Heathrow or in Delhi.Although I departed the aircraft at
Heathrow in order to catch another flight to Berlin, Delhi was the ultimate
destination for flight AI112.The final scenerio is that after I filed my claim for
the big green backpack and the backpack was located (with the small light blue/dark
blue packpack inside).Then possibly the smaller light blue/dark blue backpack
fell out of the green back pack somewhere between where the big green back was first
located and where it was delivered to me in Berlin.
I really need to find this bag.The magazines I really don´t care about
but there were some very important papers in that bag that I must have.Please try to
find this bag and deliver it to me at the address that Global baggage has on file
(in Berlin,Germany) as soon as possible. Currently, I am in Poland.


Barry Kowal
