Terminal 8


Airlines that operate from JFK Airport Terminal 8

Airlines Phone Numbers IATA Code
Air Berlin (866) 266-5588 AB
American (800) 433-7300 AA
American Eagle (800) 433-7300 AA
Finnair (800) 950-5000 AY
Lan Chile (866) 435-9526 LA
Lan Ecuador (866) 435-9526 XL
Lan Peru (866) 435-9526 LP
Qatar Airways (877) 777-2827 QR
Royal Jordanian (212) 949-0050 RJ
TAM (888) 235-9826 JJ
US Airways (800) 428-4322 US



dear all

my flight arrive jfk terminal 4 at 0830 am and my second flight depart at 1145 from terminal 8 ...is that enough time

My 12 year old son was flying from Las Vegas to JFK on flight 58 and lost his wallett. If is a black fox racing wallett with all of his trip money & ID inside. If found, please email me at comeback@q.com
Thank you

Hi All,

I will be arriving from Boston Logan Airport to JFK around 10 am and my next transfer flight is at 8pm in the evening. So, I have about 10 hours before that. So, any idea that someone could tell me how could I pass my time. Is there any malls close by?

Not much to do. You could head over to Howard Beach or Coney Island.

Sir/ Mam,

Is there a nearby Circuit City or Walmart store branch from JFK airport? What method of transportation could i take and how much will be the fare to and from JFK international airport.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Mr. Danny Ramos

Hi My friend is coming to JFK on sunday 25th May 12PM on terminal 8. I need to pick him up.On which parking lot i need to park.

hello.i willbe arriving at JFK eithad airline at 8.40 am . and i need to catch flight to orlando at 11 am .can i make it or it will take long time.thanks

My flights are AMERICAN AIRLINES.i will be arriving at JFK coming from WASHIGTON DC at 18:00.and my another flight to Brazil(internataional flight) will be departing at 9:30.
is terminal 8, for DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL flights?
is the terminal that i will be arraiving..the same one that i will departing??

someone..answe me if it is possible!!
i really need help.i have a little english,sorry.

thank you.

My mother will be arriving in Terminal 3 at 5:10 p.m on an international flight. She has to clear immigration control, collect her bags, go through custom and then check in at the same terminal to catch a flight at 6:50p.m to Denver. Will she be able to make the flight?? She doesn't speak English so any help will be really appreciated.

How easy and how long to go from Terminal 8 to Terminal 6?


I will be arriving in Terminal 8 at 12 p.m on an international flight. I have to clear immigration/passport control, collect my bags and then check in at Terminal 6 to catch a Jet Blue flight at 2.50 p.m. Will I be able to make the flight?? Thanks for any advice!
Orkan Stuffa

My daughter is flying from Syracuse NY (Delta} To Souel,Korea (I Think Delta) Where will she arrive and where will she depart from and how much time is needed between flights is needed and how do you get there ?

My flight is American Airlines. I'll arrive at JFK 16:00 and my another flight to Brazil will depart at 11:00, another American Airlines.
is the terminal that i arrive,the same that i will be leaving?
what do i need to do when i get in JFK?just find the gate..or do i have to go to a imigration place to show my passaport and documents?
im really lost!i need help.i have a little english.
i need help!answer me

i will be arriving at JFK on AMERICAN AILINES at 16:00. and i will be leaving to Brazil on AMERICAN AILINES at 11:00.
is the terminal that i arrive..the same that i will be leaving?
i really need help!!
im lost!!
please..somebody..answer me!!i have a little english,i need help!

What is the most efficient way to get from Terminal 4 (Virgin America 3:45pm) to Terminal 8 (Jet Airways 7:40pm)??? Airtrain, shuttle, or ???


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