
There are 8 operating airline terminals At JFK Airport, Terminals 1 to 8. Terminals are located around the central terminal area (CTA). The terminals and parking lots in the central terminal area are divided into five areas.

Telephone numbers:

Police/Emergency Services
(718) 244-4333

Lost and Found
(718) 244-4225
(718) 244-4226

Medical Services
(718) 656-5344
Building 198

Airport Information
(718) 244-4444



Our flight arrives from Bermuda, Jet Blue at 5 pm, Terminal 5. We go through American customs in Bermuda. Will we have time to pick up baggage and make a 6:30 pm Qantas domestic flight to LA from terminal 7?

You should be fine with that time frame as long as your first flight is on time.

I will be arriving to JFK with Delta from Stockholm at 4.55pm jan 21 , my flight to Miami with Delta will depart at 6.35 pm, will I have enough time to catch my connecting flight, and at which terminal will Delta fly into from Stockholm and which terminal do I need to go to , to catch my connecting flight to Miami Intl ?

You should be good with that time frame as long as flight from Stockholm Sweden is on time. Delta to Miami FL will most likely depart from terminal 2 or terminal 3. Both of those terminals are connected.

We will be arriving from Bishkek via Moscow at 5:00 PM. Our connecting flight leaves JFK at 8:00 PM. Is that enough time to go through customs and catch our next flight? We'll arrive on Aeroflot and depart on Delta, if that makes a difference. Thank you.

Yes Jane you will make that connection. You have more than enough to make it.

My flight arrives JFK T8 at 17.40 and have just been told my connection flight is at Newark, departing at 21.10.
Is this sufficient time to get from on airport to the other and is there a bus service available to make it there?
Any advice is appreciated, thank you.

You should be OK with that time frame as long as your flight is on time.


I am taking an international flight and need to transfer to domestic flight. Do anyone know if 1 hour 15 min is sufficent to transfer from terminal 4 to 8? How long is the air train to transfer? Also, how long does it takes to clear the security?


That time frame will be very tight for you and you will make that connection as long as customs and immigration isnt too busy at the time of your arrival and as long as your international flight is on time. Air train will take you between 5 and 10 minutes. Security might take you between 30 and 45 minutes.

Hi, i would like to know how long it takes me from terminal 3 coming from a domestic flight to connect to terminal 4 (TAM) going international to Brazil. Im taking a carryon only, so i dont have to pick up any bags. My flight arrives at 2:00pm and the connecting flight leaves at 4:15pm. Do i have time to make it? how can i do that? thanks!!

It might take you up to an hour and 2 hours and 15 minutes is enough to make a connection especially since you wont have to go through U.S Customs and immigration. When you arrive at JFK Airport terminals look for the air train and transfer over to terminal 4. Check in your carry on bag at TAM airlines check in counter at Terminal 4 and then go through security before your departure.

I want to know if the service at Deferred Inspection, Terminal 8, going to be normal. I need to take my I-20 there.
Thank you.

It should be.

I will be arriving at T5 on 7:10 PM and need to leave for Dubai from T4 by Emirat around 11:PM.Can someone tell me from T5 where I can take train or buss to reach T4?


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